Tag Archives: featured

Spotlight #3 Robby Benkovic aka Robby Bloodshed / Exclusive Interview

About a year or so ago I had to the opportunity of meeting the very talented Robby Bloodshed, He has recently released his new single ‘Under Me’ and I could not think of anything better for a spotlight than to do an interview with him!


In the below interview, we discuss his start in music, his inspiration, and whats to come with his solo project and more!


Halloween Buddhist (HB): Tonight through the magic of facebook, I am here with the awesome Robby Benkovic; Better known by his stage / band name Robby Bloodshed, How are you tonight Robby?

Robby Bloodshed (RB): I’m doing pretty good man, just ecstatic over my new release of the single ‘Under Me’. Thank you for interviewing me, Jacob!

HB: It’s definitely a pleasure Robby, So i have a few questions some pertaining to the amazing new single ‘Under Me’ and some general band-type questions.

RB: Hell yeah man!

HB: So to get the easy questions out of the way, What got you into the punk scene?

RB: When I was a kid I was introduced to the album Static Age and I instantly fell in love with punk rock. I then started listening to the Ramones and started discovering a handful of horror punk bands from the surrounding area in North Jersey.

HB: Awesome, I’m glad you mentioned finding bands locally as that was my way of finding the horror punk scene. Bands like the Renfields, The Big Bad, and state-bordering bands like Silent Horror. Of course there are the bigger bands like The Ramones, The Misfits, etc but to find the scene locally and be an active part in it is an amazing feeling.

I see that you got into your solo project ‘Robby Bloodshed’ around 2009, How did you decide on the name, and that you wanted to produce music instead of just listening?

RB: Funny story with my stage name is. In ’09 I was at a local horror punk show near me and a band The Zombie Mafia didn’t have a singer for that short time and were having a bunch of guests come up on stage. I knew a bunch of their songs on guitar, so before being asked by their bassist to hop up on stage he asked what I wanted to be introduced as and that name was thought up on the spot, haha. Why Robby Bloodshed? Who knows. It fits well I like to think haha. What made really want to compose music was at an early age I really liked being in control with music. I started playing guitar in about 2007/2008 and I started demoing medley’s and whatnot on this old karaoke machine I had haha. Some of the stuff I was coming up with was pretty catchy, I even sometimes throw a riff from those old karaoke tapes into my new songs. It just progressed and evolved as time went on. Now I always want to record and am always writing.

HB: Ha! That is both awesome and funny. And I like how you still incorporate those old riffs, its kind of like an homage to where you came from. Well I have a few more general questions and then we will get to the part of the interview that I am excited about and thats the new single! So on your facebook page it says that you were horror-punk.com’s album of the year in 2012, How did that make you feel? What was that kind if recognition like?

HB: Alright lets get to the MAIN reason for this interview, you released your new single Under me’ on December 21st I have listened to it many times, and as I previously told you it’s my ringtone haha. I have to ask 1. What went into the writing process for it, and 2. What inspired the song in the first place?

RB: That is much appreciated, I work hard on all my releases and at the end of the day 99% of the time I still think there is something off.. Everyone is their own worst critic though I suppose. Thank you for the kind words on Under Me, that one I put my heart into. I used to be in a band called Sardonica with a good friend Ron Paci aka MD Fetus Eater formerly of Dr. Chud’s X-Ward. Ron came to me with a basic idea for the instruments. I was just about to go on tour with my band and with my good friends in a band Vagora, then a shitty experience happened within a relationship I had. It is what it is, but point being I couldn’t let that effect my head for tour. So, I exerted that negative bullshit into lyrics. Then bam, Under Me happened. Overall it’s about wanting to kill a bitch haha.

HB: I thought so, I could definitely tell there was hurt in the song, But that is the great thing about music, you can say and sing about your feelings in an un-censored, brutally honest way. I think if anything I think your fans should thank this person for inspiring what could be your best song yet. haha. I truly did relate to this song due to having relationship betrayals and such in my life .And I think a lot of other people will relate to it as well. With ‘Under Me’ I think people will find power to get over the pain of lost love. It really is an empowering song! So with the release of ‘Under Me’ and im sure some touring coming up, What can we expect from future tours, and from this upcoming new Full Length album?

RB: That’s damn awesome, as a writer even if just one person can relate to the song, then I did my job. For tours, I won’t be doing my solo project until possibly fall time, but in April I will be on tour lending a hand playing bass for my good friends in Children of October. Also, with the full length, it’s still in demoing stages, but I plan to start recording that in early April and release it in late June. I hope that all pans out. The stuff I’ve been coming up with has been easily my catchiest. It’s a totally different style too. Fans won’t be expecting this in the slightest.

HB: Well I’m sure all your fans, new and old, cannot wait to see you out and about, and especially cannot wait for the new album. I know that I will be waiting for you to grace the streets of Charleston again so we can rock out to ‘Under Me’ haha. Like I have told you before, here in charleston, the horror punk scene is family, and regardless of the fact that you live in NJ you are now apart of this family. In closing I want to ask if you had anything to say to my readers, which range from horror punks to more conservative folks, any words of wisdom if you wanna call it that? I will also include in the post some of your videos, and links to your facebook and youtube. I also want to thank you for doing this interview, I as a friend and a fan have learnt so much about you!

RB: Seriously, thank you so much for taking interest in my music. Without fans. friends, or anybody who cared I wouldn’t be doing this. Some words to the wise, never let anyone knock you down a peg. Be you, do what you want to do, and if anyone hates it they can piss off. Being successful is bound to bring haters, but you have to take it from where it’s coming from. The creative ones will always come out on top. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this, I hope you enjoyed! Thank you Jacob for having me on here, means the world bro.

I want to again extend my thanks to Robby for taking part in the interview, It was an awesome conversation. If you want to check out more of his music or even buy the amazing new single ‘Under Me’ (which I recommend) it’s for $2.00 on bandcamp.

Also be sure to check out his Youtube, and Facebook page for updates on his music, and when and where he will be touring, If you get a chance to see him live, I strongly advise to take it. Cause not only do you have the chance at hearing amazing music, but you also will be making a friend. Robby I wish for you to have continued success and cannot wait for the new album and tour! Below is the audio of ‘Under Me’

Let it Shine.

A simple title for a simple blog. A video has recently went viral of Broadway performer Roosevelt Credit starting to sing “This Little Light of Mine”  and surprisingly random strangers as well as singers from a lady’s church joined in with him. Regardless of our religious backgrounds, are racial history, our own personally walk through life this video is a reminder…. We all have a light, we just need to let it shine.

Let this video be the start of your day, Leave your home with a smile on your face, let other’s see your light, you never know It could help them find their light.

Watch the powerful event below:

Difference between Suicide, and Dying with Dignity.

A lot of people will say taking your life, is taking your life. They will say that there is no difference. How wrong they are. With or without this blog post, I’m sure any of my readers will have already heard about Brittany Maynard-Diaz.  Below is some snippets of information, if you don’t know her, to get you a basic summary.

This spring, 29-year-old newlywed Brittany Maynard learned that she had terminal brain cancer. After careful assessment of her prognosis and end-of-life choices, she and her family reluctantly decided to move from their San Francisco Bay Area home to Oregon, one of five states (including Washington, Montana, Vermont and New Mexico) that authorize death with dignity.brittany-maynard-600

Brittany’s mission is to keep her legacy alive through advocacy work, while bringing the lessons she has learned to her fellow millennials: in our time on earth all that counts are the people you love and the people who love you. Appreciate them. Don’t miss a moment.

Read the full article here: http://www.thebrittanyfund.org

Moving along, I appreciate the advocacy work that Brittany is doing, it is something that will change the world. I, myself, am a suicide survivor, suicide prevention (& research) activist/advocate. However I have always been and will always be a supporter of the Dying with Dignity Act, and of Compassion and Choices.

So I want to go over a few arguments / and questions that I have seen spewed and spouted on facebook.

  1. Brittany needs to live it in God’s hands, she is playing God!
    So first thing, I do not know Brittany’s religious beliefs, however that should not be a factor in Government/End-Of-Life healthcare protocols. Would the God you speak of want one of his children to sit there motionless for what could be hours or days in constant seizures, in constant pain, not able to move or talk. I didn’t think so.
  2. Suicide is Suicide!
    This statement, is just sheer ignorance. Suicide is when a mentally and/or emotionally ill person takes their own life. There is no terminal illness involved, suicide is a sad choice of an individual. End of Life health options, dying with dignity act, etc is something that is available in only five states for those who have been diagnosed terminally ill, and have no chance of recovery. Brittany’s health is getting worse weekly, if not daily. So yes there is a difference between suicide, and dying with dignity.

With all the above being said, I want to say this, I had to see my grandma’s husband who was basically another grandpa to me rot to a sack of skin draped over bones, I had to see my grandmother swollen with a tumor from some sort of cancer. Just think If they could have had access to the albeit difficult choice of the dying with dignity act. It’s our body, it’s our life, and it should be our choice whether we suffer, or we choose to go before our family has to witness us going through ultimate torture and pain, just to die.

Put yourself into Brittany’s situation, and truly examine it and yourself. Let’s say your, for example mother lay in a hospital bed, prone to painful and debilitating medicines, and surgeries, just to prolong death. You have to sit there and watch someone who love suffer, and get worse and worse and then just die, sometimes in horrific ways.  BUT WHAT IF they had access to medicine that peacefully and painlessly allows them to pass. You are able to say your goodbyes, you are able to allow them to end their pain.

As humans, we are selfish. And it’s time that changes. This post has some unpopular opinions, but I have never been one for having popular opinions.

Brittany, Stay strong and go on to your next adventure when ready. You have the support of your family and the, probably millions of,  people’s lives you have touched. Thank you for everything.


Spotlight #1: Brad Norman / Tattoo Artist and Former Plush Creator.

So this is going to be something new I do on this blog. Obviously from the title it’s going to be spotlighting.  Defined as ‘To direct attention to’,  I am going to spotlight various artists, musicians, and many other creative individuals.

Starting this series off will be the one and only, Brad Norman.
Brad Norman, of former Spooky Daddy Toys fame, has not only created adorable and spooky plush toys of various cute creatures, but is now an amazing tattoo artist. His work not shying to far from the spooky yet cute style of the plushies. I had the honor of recently meeting him at a Big Bad show (the Big Bad being a local horror punk band that I previously blogged about),  and have come to find out that he is a very talented artist. His tattoo work is enough that I think I might make him my main tattoo artist; you know how everyone nowadays has ‘their tattoo artist’.  Below is some of his work, including the plush toys, that if I’m not mistaken is no longer sold.

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You can Find him at the following links:



Journal #3: My Amazing Weekend

So my weekend has been much needed, and so amazing. I have seen one of my favorite horror punk bands twice, and when I say favorite, I mean that I run their street team page, and I have their logo tattooed my body. I have got to hang out with some ‘extended’ family of mine all weekend, and I have met so many amazing people at the shows.

Friday started off with getting off work from my hellacious job and being picked up by one of my many adopted mom’s Patience, and her daughter Keturah. unnamed (6)We headed for a town about 1.5 hours away for my friends CD release party. The line up included the band mentioned earlier, and it was an amazing show. unnamed (7)I met many people there, and surprisingly came out of my SEVERE INTROVERTED shell. We headed back to where we are from, and was basically zombie-like dead tired. To the right is Patience, Keturah, and I at the friday show. I love them more than they will know, and I cherish every moment spent with them.

After getting much needed sleep I was once again picked up by them and we headed to our church for our friends Sheila and Patty’s renewing of their vows. unnamed (5)They also did to as gay marriage has been legalized in West Virginia, I couldn’t be more proud of my usually small-minded state for being progressive! It was a beautiful ceremony, and can I just say THE CAKE WAS DELICIOUS! For those wondering, Sheila and Patty have been together for I think 33 years!

After the ceremony, I took my bag of make up and headed toward the church bathroom to do my very basic, and simple zombie make up as there was another event with The Big Bad at a local bar (I only had 1 drink!) It was a zombie prom theme, and It was amazing. Again like the show the night before I came out of my shell and met amazing people,unnamed (4) that I hope to develop amazing friendships with.  Here is a less than decent picture of my make up. It was not super zombie as I usually do, as I was working with limited resources, but I liked it.

In closing I want to also take some time to thank everyone who has followed me so far, I have been checking out some of your blogs, and you seem like lovely people! if you want to give me any input on my blog feel free to comment, constructive criticism is always something I look for!!


Mindful Meditation; an adaption of Vipassana Meditation

Mindful Meditation, often defined as “the intentional, accepting and non-judgmental focus of one’s attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment”, an adaption of Vipassana Meditation, it’s technique used within the Theravada tradition of Buddhism. Which is one of, I think, the most important forms of meditation. There is a meditation circle at my church, and the form is mindfulness. We sit legs cross,  as common with most meditation, and we focus on our breathing, our attention on the breathing. Another focus could be awareness of when the breath/air enter and leaves the nostrils.

 One thing we are taught in mindfulness meditation is that many things are going to take us from focusing on our breathing but we are to realize that we have stopped focusing on our breathing. You get distracted, you take note of what distracted you, and go back to only concentrating on your breathing.  One way some of us do that is by labeling what has distracted us for example:

You are meditating, and the furnace kicks on. 

The sudden noise is obviously going to draw your attention away, you realize what it is, and it is labelled as ‘sudden noise’, ‘mechanic noise’ etc whatever you would like, or even simple ‘noise’.  Labeling can be done for other things, like noise, body (i.e stomach growls), touch (i.e if a bug or something lands on you.), after some time you learn to not be as distracted by small disturbances.

Mindful Meditation can cause one to be more in the moment, and helps you to remember things, and to perceive things clearly, as you are more…..can you guess…mindful; of what is going on.


Simple Metta Meditation / Brief Intro and instructions.

What is Mettā? It is the meditative action in which  one progressively cultivates benevolence towards various aspects or beings of their life or those around them. AppliedBuddhism defines Mettā as “ Lovingkindness, good will “. . The process of sending mettā can, for each person, be a different process.

Below is a script that I tend to use, and like the wording of. List of what to fill the blank spaces with can be found below the script. Once again I want to say there is various ways to do this meditation and other scripts that you can use, or even word it yourself.
May _______ be free from inner and outer harm and danger.

May  _______ be safe and protected.
May  _______ be free of mental suffering or distress.
May  _______ be happy.
May  _______ be free of physical pain and suffering.
May  _______ be healthy and strong.
May  _______ be able to live in this world happily, peacefully, and with ease.

1. Self – Your personal identity, usually located within the skin.
2. Benefactor – Someone who makes you consistently smile, such as a mentor, a child, a spiritual guide, a pet, or a piece of nature.
3. Friend(s; friends being inclusive to all friends) – A supportive person toward whom you feel trust and gratitude and have mostly positive feelings.
4. Neutral / Strangers – Any living being whom you don’t know and therefore neither like nor dislike.
5. Difficult / Enemies – Someone who has caused you pain, or toward whom you have negative feelings.
6. Groups – Any group of living beings, e.g., everybody listed above, everyone in your home, workplace, or city.

As mentioned, make your mettā bhavana (lovingkindness meditation) something that is comfortable for you.

Buddhism; Religion or Philosophy?

Since becoming a Buddhist the most asked question I get from friends and family is  ” So you pray to The Buddha “, In which my answer is usually along the lines of explaining to them that The Buddha is not deity, but more so a Great Teacher. A puzzled look usually appears to their face, in which their next question is ” So how is it a religion if there is no god, wouldn’t it be philosophy? “; my response is to them is both.

Now with that being said, I have been reading a book, that though the title is as creative as that of “Buddhism for Dummies” , the book “The Everything Buddhism Book” by Arnie Kozak, PhD. It is surprisingly and refreshingly an easy to understand book, that explains various traditions of Buddhism, history, terminology, etc. In this book there is a section called “Religion Or Philosophy” hence the title of this post, and in this section, the author credits Buddhist Scholar Damien Keown for comparing Buddhism to seven dimensions common to religion.  The below is a list of those seven Dimensions.

  1. Practical and Ritual:
    While the ritual elements of Buddhism may seem bare bones compared to the catholic church, for example, Buddhism certainly has rites and rituals that are public and private, many of which are associated with monastic life. Different Buddhist traditions place different emphasis on ritual.
  2. Experiential and Emotional:
    The experiential dimension is the most important dimension of Buddhism. The Buddha was the exemplar. he transformed his life not through belief but through experiential practice.  And Buddhist follow a similar path. The truth of Buddhism must be experienced. Karen Armstrong notes that the Buddha “confined his researches to his own human nature and always insisted that his experiences – even the supreme truth of Nibbana (Nirvana) wee entirely natural to humanity.”
  3. Narrative and Mythic:
         Buddhism is not without its myths and legends, including those surrounding the life of the Buddha, which can be read as a parable as well as a biographical account of the historical figure known as Siddhartha Gautama. There are many narrative elements in Buddhism, including the Jataka tales.
  4. Doctrinal and Philosophical:
    The Buddha chafed at ‘doctrine’ and idle philosophical speculation and sought to teach through direct experience. However, Professor Keown says of doctrine, “if by ‘doctrine’ we understand the systematic formulation of religious teachings in an intellectually coherent form,” then Buddhism qualifies as having doctrine in this sense. For example there are The Four Noble Truths that are the foundation of the Buddha’s teachings.
  5. Ethical and Legal:
          Buddhism is widely regarded as one of the world’s most ethical religions, having incorporated ethics into the foundation of the experiential practices. The central ethic is to “do no harm.” Buddhism is predominately a path of peace. For example, the Dalai Lama has consistently advocated peaceful resistance to the Chinese occupation of his country, an occupation that has, by some estimates, claimed a million lives and destroyed 6,000 monasteries.
  6. Social and Institutional:
           The sangha is the community of Buddhist practitioners and it is one of humanity’s oldest continuous institutions. Yet the sangha is not an institution in the sense that it has a central authority such as the Vatican. It is a diverse collection of people across nations and cultures that practice the Buddha’s teachings in diverse ways. Buddhism is also a socially engaged religion seeking to make positive changes in society.
  7. Material:
             The material dimensions of Buddhism are vast, majestic, and colorful. Buddhist have built breathtaking monasteries, caves, and carvings of the Buddha. King Ashoka left a legacy of iconic structures called stupas across India. Buddhist art is colorful and narrative. Buddhist make pilgrimages to  holy sites, such as the birth and death place of the Buddha, and the places where he became enlightened and gave his first sermon.

So is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy? It can be both.  It can be a non-theistic religion, or a completely secular code of ethics that can be applied to your current path in life.